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Entries Tagged as 'Eduspaces'

Student e-learning experiences

August 3rd, 2007 · No Comments · Eduspaces

We have been using a ‘scenarios’ approach to thinking our way through implementing e-learning at Leeds for quite a while. JISC has adopted a similar approach in one of its research projects Learner Experiences of e-Learning (LEX). In this study it has recorded a number of videos of student’s experience which will be used as […]



Feeding my blog

August 3rd, 2007 · No Comments · Eduspaces

I was hoping to get a bit more active here over the summer but with one thing or another it has been even busier since the students left. However, I had a bright idea – just add a feed to my work blog here in my Resources and then publish it to this blog. But it […]



'In class, I have to power down'

May 9th, 2007 · No Comments · Eduspaces

There have been a number of interesting and related articles in the education pages of the Independent and Guardian in the last week. Both relate to the C&IT sophistication and skills of many children and students that a) we are not exploiting in the learning experiences we offer and b) make many schools and HE insitutions look […]



The Ning thing

April 2nd, 2007 · 1 Comment · Eduspaces

There has been a lot of publicity for the free social networking platform Ning.  I vaguely remember it starting a couple of years ago but it has really taken off recently. One of the big success stories has been the Library 2.0 community that only started at the beginning of March this year I think and has […]



e-Portfolios: What institutions really need to know

March 30th, 2007 · 1 Comment · Eduspaces

The JISC e-portfolio event I attended earlier this week and ran an Elgg workshop helped clarify for me a number of issues about e-portfolios, particularly what they are (process and/or product), what they are for (several options here) and how we could implement them for our staff and students. A useful JISC publication on this is […]



E-Portfolios: A Beginner’s Guide

March 20th, 2007 · No Comments · Eduspaces

I am shocked to find I have not posted here since September last year! So much going on. I will post here in due course about my Uni’s choice of a new VLE system. Prepared to be amazed! I am demonstrating and running a workshop on Elgg as a potential e-portfolio tool at the JISC Regional […]



Demographic facts – or fictions?

September 10th, 2006 · No Comments · Eduspaces

A couple of slides in Karl Fisch’s presentation Did You Know got me thinking. The slides claim that the 25% most intelligent Chinese outnumber the entire North American population. The figure for India is the top 28% in intelligence. Put another way, India and China could soon have potentially more graduates than North America has people. […]



Richard Dawkins and 'The God Delusion'

September 3rd, 2006 · No Comments · Eduspaces

Dawkins has just published another book in his attempt to purge us all of religion and unscientific error. While I have some sympathy for his position I wonder if it has ever occurred to him that his ardent and single minded proselytising could be counter-productive. Max Weber pointed out at the turn of the 20th […]



Life long learning, information literacy and the 'expert patient'

August 31st, 2006 · No Comments · Eduspaces

A little while ago I suffered from a complaint called plantar fasciitis. I didn’t know it was called that to begin with, I just had a tremendous pain in my right heel when I got up in the morning and could hardly walk. It seemed to come from nowhere. It was so bad I went […]



The changing context of education

August 28th, 2006 · No Comments · Eduspaces

This is a slide I have used in a number of presentations this year. Each presentation has been different but has focussed on one or more aspect of the slide. I hope to make an Articulate version of the slides in due course. The way it is going so far I will be publishing one […]

