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Entries Tagged as 'Eduspaces'

Trojan attack

May 15th, 2006 · No Comments · Eduspaces

I have just spent the whole weekend trying to clean a new PC of various spys,  malware, viruses etc. The worst one kept hijacking my browser home page so it went to a site selling antispy software. It also produced false Windows security messages and even changed my desktop image to one that looks like […]



The theory dependence of interpretation

April 26th, 2006 · No Comments · Eduspaces

Heard on Radio 4 (UK) this morning: Motorists who have 4 points on their licenses for being caught by speed cameras are 50% more likely to have been involved in an accident than motorists with no points for speeding. The ‘clear message’ of this according to a road safety organisation is it is irrefutable evidence […]



OU (UK) Open Content Learning Support Tools

April 18th, 2006 · No Comments · Eduspaces

The OU Open Content initiative could be one of the most exciting things to happen in education for a very long time. The full description of the project is at http://oci.open.ac.uk/info.html. Of particular interest is Appendix K: Learning Support Tools for the Supported Open Content Environment. The supported open content environment will be Moodle. It will […]



Self-education in e-learning and weblogs

June 22nd, 2005 · No Comments · Eduspaces

I have decided what to do with this blog and Elgg. I am going to develop it into a resource for me to learn about how to use blogs in teaching my modules. It will be a collection of resources and information I find or that is passed on to me by friends and colleagues. […]

