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Academic blogging

July 29th, 2010 · No Comments · Uncategorized

I am planning an informal one day conference on blogging for academics and postgraduates with some money I have been awarded as a C-SAP Associate. Depending on what is affordable I am hoping to attract some active academic bloggers to come along to tell us how they got into blogging and why and share their experience with us. The sessions haven’t been planned yet but hopefully delegates will go away knowing why they might get involved, some useful ideas about how to get started, and some of the keys to success – success depending of course on why they would do it in the first place. I aim to have a session on twitter if there is room for it in the schedule.

I want to put a resource pack together based on the conference sessions but including relevant and interesting articles and web resources. Found so far (both via Twitter and Cristina Costa)

I am a blogging researcher: Motivations for blogging in a scholarly context Sara Kjellberg in First Monday Volume 15, Number 8 – 2 August 2010

Academic blogging: academic practice and academic identity Gill Kirkup in the London Review of Education, Volume 8, Issue 1 March 2010 , pages 75 – 84


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