There has been a growing critique of the way Universities have been changing over the last 20 years or so and the current economic crisis and the funding cuts have served to highlight even more some of the things that have been causing concern. In a nut shell these are the ‘marketisation’ of universities, the embrace of what has become known as the ‘knowledge economy’ and the way that the neoliberal ‘business ontology’ has influenced nearly every aspect of the management and missions of UK HEIs. I thought it would be worth collecting in this blog and, from time to time, commenting upon, some of the ideas about what is going wrong and what sort of university education should we be aiming for. I would welcome pointers to any other resources or blog posts about this. So….
What is to be done? The University of Utopia Worth looking at the links page
Beyond Scholar Activism: Making Strategic Interventions Inside and Outside the Neoliberal University
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