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Entries Tagged as 'web 2.0'

Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World

November 20th, 2009 · No Comments · web 2.0

Looks like JISC have copied the title of two workshops I am developing for next semester – ‘Researching in Web 2.0 World’ and ‘Learning in a Web 2.0 World’. Never mind. I probably pinched these titles from someone else. The full summary of findings and download of full report can be found at Higher Education […]



It’s Personal: Learning Spaces, Learning Webs (Steve Wheeler)

October 28th, 2009 · No Comments · web 2.0

This says it all – each slide could be expanded into a dozen more. It’s Personal: Learning Spaces, Learning Webs View more presentations from Steve Wheeler.



Open education

October 5th, 2009 · 2 Comments · web 2.0

I have begun to develop a wiki devoted to the discussion and development of ideas about open education (http://terrywassall.org/wiki). As a practical contribution I wish to get involved in open education initiatives exploiting my substantive areas of sociological expertise, including the sociology of the environment and sociological theory and research methods. I think I already […]



The Open Scholar

September 21st, 2009 · 1 Comment · web 2.0

One of the most interesting presentations at this year’s ALT-C 2009 in Manchester was the 3rd keynote [slides] given be Terry Anderson. A major theme in his talk was to develop and promote the idea of ‘the Open Scholar’ to complement the accelerating development of both open education content and open learning platforms that potentially […]



Is twitter killing the blog? No.

September 12th, 2009 · 1 Comment · web 2.0

There is a lively discussion at the moment about the relationship between twitter and blogging in a ‘cloud’ of the same name, is twitter killing the blog?, at Cloud Works. I’m not quite sure where the discussion started but it was the topic of a debate between Josie Fraser and Graham Attwell at a F-ALT09 (ALT-C 2009 […]



Postdigital – second thoughts

September 11th, 2009 · No Comments · web 2.0

The first meeting of the F-ALT09 group was on what might be meant by ‘postdigital’ led by Dave White. I posted First thoughts on ‘postdigital’  here before the conference. It was a very interesting and lively session and David has posted about it since – Post-digital – an update? I left a couple of comments […]



6 degrees of separation (or network theory)

June 5th, 2009 · No Comments · web 2.0

I watched a fascinating programme on BBC TV tonight called Six Degrees of Separation.  I decided to watch it again on the BBC iPlayer and make notes in order to post on it in some detail later. Unfortunately it looks as if it will not be available to play again. So I thought I would […]



The future size and shape of the higher education

July 11th, 2008 · 1 Comment · web 2.0

The future size and shape of the higher education sector in the UK: threats and opportunities is a report just released by Universities UK that assesses the impact of projected demographic changes for universities, as described in their press release. The demographic changes forecast say that the majority age group – 18 to 20 – UK universities recruit from will […]



Online Conferences

June 26th, 2008 · No Comments · web 2.0

Over Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week I attended the Emerge online conference Digital Communities & Digital Identities. (Josie Fraser, who did a great job organising it, has posted on this in more detail). I contributed as a presenter some time ago to a JISC Webinar on Web 2.0 applications for HE but this […]



The world's a twitter

June 19th, 2008 · No Comments · web 2.0

I overheard on the radio this morning, while scraping the toast, some mention of twitter and the fact that some person in Downing St. is twitting (tweeting?) regularly about what’s going on there. I made a mental note to look it up on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme listen again. Partly because I usually […]

