Having missed ALT-C 2008 despite it being held at my own University in Leeds, I am particularly looking forward to this year’s conference in Manchester, 8th to 10th September. Following the #altc2009 and #falt09 tags in Twitter, the Friendfeed groups (http://friendfeed.com/altc2009 and http://friendfeed.com/f-alt) and the conference Crowdvine has only sharpened my anticipation.
Looking through the abstracts for papers and presentations there are so many things I would like to go to but can’t because of time clashes. However, some of the delegates will be using Twitter and the Friendfeed group to comment on sessions they are going to and every session has a discussion area set up in the conference Crowdvine. One way of another I hope to pick up on the sessions I will miss via these discussions and reflections. I’ll probably use a combination of all 3 depending on where the on-line action seems to be for each session. The Crowdvine set up lets you know who has expressed an interest in each session and you can see their individual programmes if they have used the calendar tool to create one. In this way, and via any session based on-line activity, I hope to identify people who may be happy to continue a discussion or who are likely to blog on their sessions. I will try to discipline myself to write a series of posts here on the sessions I go to. And since I have added this blog as a service to Friendfeed any new posts here will be pushed to my Twitter and Friendfeed profiles. Oh what a tangled web we weave!
Update 29th August. My Schedule so far http://altc2009.alt.ac.uk/profiles/52918/talks. Also although posts from this blog are pulled into Friendfeed they don’t seem to then get pushed on to Twitter.
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