Padel position

When you’re at or near the NVZ line keep your padel in front of you above waist height, slightly inclined towards your backhand side It’s here you will have to volley balls coming at you above net height. When you’re near the back of the court the ready position should be fairly low and be prepared to bend your knees to play low balls after the bounce. You are unlikely to volley from there as if it hasn’t bounced by the time it’s reached you the ball is on its way out! If you are halfway up the court (variously called the zone of transition and, more often, no man’s land) it is not so clear cut where you should hold your padel. Sometimes you will need to volley above waist height. Quite often you will need to get low to play the ball off your toes, a very hard shot to control. This is why if you see an opponent in no man’s land it is good to hit the ball at their feet. In the mid court area hold you padel at about waist height and be prepared for anything!

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