Positioning, patience and power. Why drill?

The game of pickleball can be summed up by the three Ps – positioning, patience, power. All are crucial aspects of the game that are difficult to master without drills.

Power is becoming increasingly important as the game has evolved at the higher levels, for a number of reasons. Two reasons are the influx of high level tennis players at the top of the game and the increasing use of top spin. At the lower levels powershots will often win rallies, either directly or by producing errors and weak returns. This is OK as far as it goes but it encourages the neglect of the soft game that is essential for players as they rise through the higher intermediate level 3s and into the 4s. There, the ‘bangers’ will find their power shots are returned without too much difficulty, often with ‘interest’. And in any case they will find they are given very few opportunities to use their power as the better players defuse their power game with their soft game and positioning. Positioning is a key factor in playing defensively against power players and the ability to equalise a rally and gain an attacking position.

Which brings us onto positioning. If power won’t win then the other strategy is to move your opponents around until a hole in their defense appears that you can attack. This is the importance of the soft game. It can keep you in the rally if you are on the defensive, for instance a reset into the opponents” kitchen, or push them out of position leaving a space to attack or at least get an uncontrolled weak return. Strong players can reset into the kitchen from anywhere on court. Resets enable a team in defence to neutralise the rally by advancing to their own NVZ line. Once both pairs are at their kitchen lines it then becomes a battle of patience. The team that wins most points from this situation, the dinking battle, is usually the one with the best positioning, footwork and patience, in addition to reliable and consistent dinks of course. Very often teams that are out-dinked are the less mobile team and/or with the shortest attention span!

Which brings us to patience. If you watch some of the dinking rallies of professional teams, the necessity for patience and concentrated focus is obvious (for the players and the spectators). But patience isn’t just required for extended dinking rallies. Patience is often required throughout a rally. Going too hard at an overhead when the ball isn’t  in the right place or when you are on the move and not stable, or when you can’t resist showboating, is more likely to lose the point than win it. Better to go for medium pace targeted shot with accuracy rather than with 50/50 high risk pyrotechnics. If your opponents are at the back of the court in a good defensive position, solid shots to their feet are often best to keep them back there and wait for a better opportunity. Down the middle can cause some confusion and lead to the wide angles being exposed. When wider spaces are exposed reduced power accurate shots that keep the ball in the court will often win the point or get a scrabbled weak response that leave spaces elsewhere when the scrabbler’s partner hasn’t moved to cover. The high risk video highlight smash will win some points but will probably lose more. Patient pressure with accurate soft or half power shots will always win more points in the long run.

So, patience, positioning and power, all of which can be improved more rapidly with drills rather than just playing games. Patience needs drills for the soft game, working on focus and moving your opponents around. Positioning means knowing how to read a rally and automatically moving to the best position at any given moment. This has to be moving with your partner as a coordinated unit. It also it means good footwork. Power (and everything else) is all about good technique and judgement; when to turn it on and when to hold it back.

Drills are available to help develop all these crucial aspects of the game.

Ghosting in pickleball

Ghosting is a training technique that is essentially playing rallies with an imaginary opponent. It is something I did regularly as a squash player and used extensively as a squash coach. The three main purposes of ghosting are fitness, movement (patterns of play), and technique (stroke mechanics and variety). This allows you to rehearse footwork and movement, typical patterns of play and shot production. You get to the imaginary ball in good position, racket fully prepped and can concentrate on the mechanics of your stroke, recovery and repositioning. This is a good way of exposing movements and footwork you find awkward and need to improve.You have to think about the placement of your shot and what is is you’re trying to achieve in the context of the rally, for instance where your opponent is and where you want to make them move to.The rallies can be as long and as strenuous as you wish. In the process you are grooving your movement and strokes and, importantly, training your mind to play shots with a purpose to impose a pattern of play. You are not just hitting an imaginary ball; you are manoeuvring an imaginary opponent around the court, conditioning their movement and creating and executing winning opportunities.

This technique proved extremely effective for me and many other squash players and produced significant improvements. However, squash is almost exclusively a singles game and I’m not sure how ghosting would translate into doubles pickleball rallies and games. If you are doing it alone alone you have three imaginary players on court with you; your partner and two opponents. I think it would work if you play the rallies as if your imaginary partner was always in the correct position, staying with you vertically and laterally so to speak. The ghosting would include (bearing in mind the whole thing is in your imagination) shots that you partner would play. Given the pattern of play you are ghosting, you would know what shot they would play and why and position yourself accordingly in the appropriate ready stance.

I’ve looked for coaching materials for ghosting in pickleball but there seems to be very few and those are relatively rudimentary. I would like to adapt what I learnt about ghosting in squash, both as a player and coach, to pickleball, but I think there would be some limitations. It looks like ghosting in pickleball would be best for individuals to improve and groove their strokes, footwork and movement round the court. Patterns of play with a partner are probably best worked on with drills and conditioned games.

If you have any thoughts on this or experience of using ghosting in pickleball please share in comments below. Thanks.


Shake and Bake?

The recommended strategy for the serving side is the 3rd shot drop. The advantage is normally with the receiving side. The receiver’s partner is already up at the kitchen. The receiver returns the serve deep into their opponents’ court where they both have to be back behind the service line to allow for the second bounce. By now the service receiver has joined their partner at the kitchen and are all set to dominate the ensuing rally. To neutralise this the serving side will play a drop shot into the kitchen which cannot be attacked and so can move up the court to their kitchen. The rally is neutralised, all four are at the net and typically a dinking rally will begin. That’s the theory.

But, the 3rd shot drop is notoriously difficult to pull off safely for many, probably most, players. It’s either into the net or too high and can be attacked. An alternative to the 3rd shot drop is to drive it hard and flat and rush the net, the so-called shake and bake strategy. The serving side have to agree to do this. Whoever the ball is returned to, they will drive it back. As soon as one of the serving side sees that it is their partner who will be playing the return of serve, they rush the net to attack any weak pop up return.

Phil and I tried this a couple of weeks ago and it worked well (some of the time). It was rather satisfying! It works particularly against players who don’t have very fast hands or, having returned the serve, are slow getting to the kitchen. It’s an obvious tactic to try against relatively inexperienced players but is becoming increasingly popular at the expert and pro level.

One word of warning though. It doesn’t remove the necessity to be able to do long range drops. If the shake and bake doesn’t win the point immediately the serving side often has to play a 5th shot drop and a dinking rally may still start. However, the 5th shot drop is likely to be played from mid court, a lot easier than playing the 3rd shot drop from behind the service line. The other thing to be wary of is that the 3rd shot drive has a high risk of hitting the net or going out.

It’s worth a try and, in practice it’s what a lot of intermediate players do anyway because the 3rd shot drop is so difficult and easily punished if they get it wrong. If you do try shake and bake don’t forget it’s not just a matter of driving the 3rd shot. One of you has to rush the kitchen immediately the low hard return is played by their partner and the other must join them there as soon as the drive is completed. If you don’t both get to the kitchen the chances are you will continue to be pinned to the the back leaving spaces all over the court for you opponents to hit into.

But is it pickleball?

The standard of play has improved significantly at Heaton since we started playing 18 months ago. However, the question comes up occasionally, “but is it really pickleball”. The question is always prompted by the observation that we rarely, if ever, find ourselves playing dinking rallies. The answer to the question is, yes, we are playing pickleball. We know the pickleball rules, our serves are usually legal, we know the two bounce rule, we respect the non volley zone. We are playing pickleball.

However, an important part of the game is missing – dinking. The main problem is that we rarely have all 4 players at the kitchen line at the same time. The service receiving pair have the easiest job to get there. One of them is already at the kitchen and a good return of serve gets the service receiver up there to join their partner. The problem lies with the serving pair, pinned to their baseline by the second bounce rule. Assuming the receiving pair are reasonably good players, from their dominant position they can keep their opponents pinned at the back or hit the ball at their opponents feet. The pair at the net won’t win all the points but should win most of them.

The usual tactic for the serving team to get to the kitchen is to play a third shot drop. A good one cannot be attacked as it has to be played from below net height and it allows the serving pair to advance to the kitchen and thus neutralise the advantage of the receiving pair. That’s the idea anyway but it’s a hard shot to master, to be able to play a drop shot into the kitchen from deep in your court. It is not surprising that many players hit a drive for the 3rd shot. As it happens, it seems that the 3rd shot drive is gaining popularity with high level ex tennis pickleball players. They still get into dinking rallies but often with a 5th shot drop from further up the court.

The upshot of this is to underline the importance of drills to play drops shots from deep in the court and while moving into the the transition zone.

Position for receiving the serve

Observations from our matchplay session 20/03/24. If I would pick out one thing from today I would say it is issues around the serve and return of serve. Theoretically at least the serving side is at a disadvantage so a good serve is important to help neutralise the receiving pair’s advantage. From the receiving side’s point of view a good deep return of service is essential to maintain their positional advantage. The serve and return set the scene for the rest of the rally. I found I was having difficulty in returning heavy top spin serves today although I got a bit better as the session wore on. These are serves that kick up and are difficult to judge especially if they are deep and you haven’t given yourself enough space behind the baseline to react and adjust. Playing kickers from your ankles will never be easy! In addition some receivers were vulnerable to serves down the middle of the court. This is a high risk serve as it can easily land in the wrong service court but can be very effective. It will often pass fairly close to the receiver’s partner at the kitchen line and cause a degree of surprise. Both the vulnerabilities above are partly a matter of how the receiver is positioned to receive the serve.

Down the middle – a happy hunting ground

Observation from this week’s PB sessions. The centre of the court is still proving a happy hunting ground for easy points. Generally, the centre would be the responsibility of the player with their forehand in the middle. So, assuming 2 righthanders, the player on the left of the court would have the main responsibility of covering the centre. However, if the left-hand court player is pulled wide the righthand court player should move across to cover the middle with their backhand. This is the basic principle of following the ball and moving laterally as a unit. It’s only a guideline but it is normal in tournament play for the stronger (and in our case possibly the more mobile) player to take the left-hand court as, with their forehand in the centre, they cover about 60% of the court. Dragging that player wide is a good strategy as the centre is then covered by their partner’s backhand.

You could think about dinking battles as an illustration. Dinks to the middle would normally be dealt with by the player with their forehand in the middle. Dinking wide to their backhand will mean the middle has to be covered by their partner who has to deal with a dink to the centre with their back hand. Advantage us! Most players’ backhands are less reliable that their forehand and more likely to dink into the net or pop the ball up to attack. Often, certainly at our level, they don’t get across to cover the middle anyway and leave the centre open for an easy point. And if nothing else we’ve got them moving, playing on their backhands and outside their comfort zone. Who knew dinking could be such fun!

PS. If a pair have a right-hander and a left-hander they would normally play both forehands down the middle. So if you are playing against them, all wide and down the line shots would go to their backhands. Worth remembering but wide and down the line shots have a higher risk of going out. The centre can still be profitable if they are not good at communication!

PPS.  A pair with two left handers  would normally play the same as two righthanders as described above. The stronger/more mobile player with their forehand down the middle but in the right-hand court.

Top spin serve

Try this the next time you play. A deep heavy topspin lob serve. The top spin helps to bring the ball down into the court. It looks like a slow serve but can catch the receiver out as it kicks up on bouncing. This can jam them up, put them back on their heels. It can produce a weak half court return and inhibit their progress to the kitchen line. Worth a try.

If you want to practice this or any other serve you could agree with your partner and opposing pair to allow 2 serves for a game so you can go for it on the first serve but have a second serve if necessary.

Prepare to drop, look to drive

This is a continuation of the last post about getting to the kitchen and is more-or-less a summary. The third shot of any rally is when the serving side plays their second shot after serving, the one where they must stay back and allow the ball to bounce before playing it. Assuming the return of serve is deep to the baseline, normally this third shot will be a drop, a fairly soft shot lifted so it apexes before the net and drops down into the opponent’s kitchen. This enables the serving pair to makes some progress to their kitchen.

So the serving side should assume the return of serve will be deep and they will be playing a drop shot. However, sometimes the return of serve falls short of the baseline  and may fall half or three quarter court. When this happens the serving side has to move forward to the ball and has the option of a) playing a drop as planned (although easier as they are nearer the net) or driving the ball low over the net at pace. Either way the shorter return of serve means the serving side have been given the momentum to move up.

Driving at the pair at the net from mid court gives then little time to react and control their next shot and may produce a pop up to attack. The reason it is not advisable to  drive the third shot from the back of the court is that a good pair at the net with soft hands could just block the ball back into your kitchen. Starting from the back of the court, this will be a difficult shot to get to and control.

In summary, the serving side should be prepared to play their second shot with a drop  but look for a short return of serve which they may be able to attack. In any game situation the shot you will play will depend on the merits of the ball you are receiving and your perception of the skill level of your opponents.


Get to the kitchen line?

We are constantly told by coaches to get to the kitchen line as soon as possible. This is generally good advice. The dominant court position is up at the NVZ line and depending on the skill levels of the competing pairs, the majority of rallies are won from that position. The problem is that the advice can be translated into ‘get to the kitchen line at all costs’. This leads to players running like lemmings to the cliff edge, often with similar consequences. The advice is probably so frequently drilled into players because many beginners and lower intermediates seem very reluctant to go anywhere near the kitchen and often give away easy points by hanging back and leaving large gaps for short and cross court winners.

It is important to recognise that you can’t always get to the kitchen line in one go. This advice is aimed particularly at the serving pair. Normally you would expect the receiving pair to be at their kitchen line already. The receiver’s partner is there from the start and the service receiver will generally play a return deep to the opposing baseline to pin the serving pair at the back of the court and have sufficient time to join their partner at the kitchen.

This is why, for the servings side, there is a great deal of emphasis on the third shot drop. The first shot is the serve, the second shot is the (usually deep) return of serve, the third shot is played by the serving side (usually from the back of the court). By now their opponents will be at their NVZ. The point of the the serving side playing a drop shot at this point is that the ball should land in the kitchen or at least be below net height before it can be volleyed.

What happens next will depend on how good a drop shot it was. It may allow the serving team to get right up to their kitchen, neutralising the advantageous position of the receiving side and initiating a dinking rally. It may be a poor drop and can be attacked with a volley above net  height. If so, staying back to defend is likely to be the best option. Or it may be legally volleyed back firmly from at or just below net height and you may have made some progress into the mid court transition zone. One response to this may be to play another drop shot (which is likely to be easier to play since you are closer to the net) and resume your advance to the kitchen line.

The message here is that it is good to be able to play drops shots (sometimes referred to as resets) from anywhere on the court. And this may often mean playing awkward shots from around your feet. The only way to improve your short game is practice, doing drills or doing conditioned games that focus on these shots. You can of course practice these shots in recreational and social play. Just tell your partner what you are doing and why.

Finally, you don’t have to play a third shot drop all the time. A drive down the middle can win a rally or get a weak return against a pair who are not well organised and tend to leave a yawning gap down the middle of the court. Or a drive at the body of your opponent whose reactions are a bit suspect or are holding their paddle too low. Straight at their backhand shoulder can be particularly effective!. If the service receiver is a bit slow coming to the net, hitting the ball back to their feet while they are on the move can reap dividends. And you can’t beat a good lob used sparingly enough to be a surprise.