Capitalism – crisis and critique (defunct)

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Entries Tagged as 'general'

Blog closed

August 23rd, 2011 · No Comments · general

On the 22nd August 2011 all the posts here were exported into Working Notes



John Holloway’s ‘Crack Capitalism’

May 12th, 2011 · 2 Comments · general

This is a brief summary of the Leverhulme Lecture John Holloway gave on the 11th of May at Leeds University. The lecture focussed mainly on the ideas developed in his book, Crack Capitalism.  John spoke for over an hour (though it didn’t feel like it!) so this summary will no doubt do some violence to what he said […]



Hedge funds accused of gambling with lives

July 19th, 2010 · No Comments · general

Hedge funds accused of gambling with lives of the poorest as food prices soar refers to a report on how trading in food commodity derivatives inflates and destabilises food prices with devastating consequences for the poorest communities globally. Deborah Doane, WDM director, said: “Investment banks, like Goldman Sachs, are making huge profits by gambling on […]



The depersonalisation of capitalism

July 18th, 2010 · No Comments · general

I have been in email correspondence with my colleague Richard Kilminster following on from some very interesting and constructive comments on a draft article I am writing on critical pedagogy. The discussion concerns various issues around the marxist underpinnings and the normative basis of critical pedagogy as developed from the Frankfurt School Critical Theory and […]



Austerity drive will hand billions to private sector

July 17th, 2010 · No Comments · general

Austerity drive will hand billions to private sector, Friday 16 July 2010 21.50 BST This report seems to confirm that the outcome of the ConDem’s budget and economic policy, intentionally or otherwise,  will be the front door, back door and side entrance privatisation of everything the corporations can lay their hands on that will […]



Reading 15-7-01

July 15th, 2010 · No Comments · economics, general

Considering the importance of liberalism in the current government’s economic and social policies, the restructuring and deficit reductions being undertaken throughout Europe voluntarily it seems and being forced upon less developed countries by the IMF etc. my reading over the last month, and still ongoing, has been an attempt to understand liberalism and how it […]



Caving in to the corporations?

July 14th, 2010 · No Comments · general

“Health” Secretary Andrew Lansley seems to be in process of abandoning every health initiative taken by the previous Labour government, often based on a pretty near consensus of health professionals and social commentators and vigorously opposed by the food industry. Under the ConDems the corporations have won by the look of it, providing more evidence […]



Privatisation of everything?

July 13th, 2010 · No Comments · economics, general

In a previous post – A neoliberal budget for business and marketisation? – I began to document the claim that the emergency budget was informed by the supposedly discredited neoliberal economic doctrine. The recent changes to the education system and the NHS proposed by the ConDem government both seem to offer opportunities for ‘back door’ […]



A neoliberal budget for business and marketisation?

June 26th, 2010 · No Comments · general

Chains and brands will develop. Management tasks will be consolidated. It makes no sense for every school to be a procurement agent, every school to have an account with a stationer. Some of the tasks of consolidation that have been poorly discharged by local education authorities (LEAs) will be taken over by charitable foundations, by co-operatives of teachers and, in time, by private companies.



Liquid histories

June 26th, 2010 · No Comments · general

I was impressed with the thinking behind Sekula’s approach to documentary photography and film that I posted on a little while ago ( and have been thinking about how these ideas could be used to write a sort of material and economic history of an everyday object that would reveal in detail the process of […]

