Capitalism – crisis and critique (defunct)

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Entries from April 3rd, 2010

Sen and sociology

April 3rd, 2010 · No Comments · general, Sen

There is obviously a lot of sociology in the background to Sen’s thought, sometimes quite explicit. This post just notes a number of issues that require sociological clarification so far. The reading of Sen undertaken here will be a sociological critique of Sen’s sociology. He refers with approval the ‘anthropological’ turn in the later Wittgenstein […]



Reading Amartya Sen (2)

April 2nd, 2010 · No Comments · Sen

I have just recieved a copy of Sen’s The Idea of Justice. Despite the fact that the term ‘capitalism’ does not appear in the subject index, the subject matter is of great relevance to an investigation of capitalism, and particularly a normatively based critique of capitalism. This is evidently what Sen has in mind, to some […]

