This variant of the 3/4 game progressively imposed conditions on the leading player so as to make the game more difficult for her and allow the others to compete and catch up. The game starts as in the classic 3/4 court game were 2 players rally in the 3/4 court, the entire front half of the court and the rear quarter the server serves to. The rear quarter the server serves from is the safe area where non-players wait for their turn to play.
Play continues as in the standard 3/4 game until one of the players reaches a score of 5. From then on they can only play in the half court that is an extension of the rear quarter in play. If she hits out of this she has lost the point. The other players can continue to pay in the full 3/4 court until each one in turn gets to 5 point at which they are also restricted to side half court.
Play continues until a player gets to 10 points at which point they can only play in the rear quarter of the 3/4 court. Players continue to keep their score and as each one gets to 10 they also can only play in the rear quarter. When a player gets to 15 the game is over and can be repeated but serving from the other rear quarter and therefore using the other 3/4 court configuration.
The game can be extended to 20 points if wished by restricting the players over 15 to only playing into the rear quarter in the narrow channel, defined by the width of the service box.