This page will contain brief descriptions and links to a range of different games for 2 or more players. Some of the games are conditional so will contain elements of skill drills as well.
Two against one A good competitive game for practising tight lengths, cross court lobs volley drops, boasts and short kills.
Standard 3/4 game for 3 or more players on one court. As noted at the end of the description, if 3 players are reasonably skilled and mobile 3 players can play on the full court.
Standard 3/4 game variants for 3 players. Similar to the one described above but restricted to 3 players and with a twist!
3/4 courts game progressive This version of the game progressively makes it harder for the leading player allowing the other players to challenge and catchup.
Two against one This game could be called 3/4 doubles. It involves 3 players playing on the full court but a pair of players make up a team and they play against the remaining individual.