Racketball for the over 50s

Quoting from an article about squash on the Active Newcastle web site: “Most medical professionals discourage anyone over the age of 50 from taking up squash and if in doubt you should seek advice from your GP”. This is also good advice if you are thinking of taking up racketball. It may be easier to learn and to play rallies but it is can also become very demanding physically once you get half decent at it. In fact most players would get significantly longer rallies than they would get playing squash. However, given that it is the better game for a significant proportion of an apparently ageing population and the government is keen to get people to be more active throughout their lives and into later life, it is surprising and perhaps ill advised for English Squash to drop racketball. If you look at the English Squash website there is now no reference to racketball in their main menu and if you can find the racketball section on the news page the most recent racketball new is from July 2015. We are now over half way through the 2015/16 racketball season and nothing has been reported in the ES news.